Out of curiosity I conducted a Google search to see where this blog came up using the keywords "Soma Smoothie". The results revealed there are a modest number of Smoothie related websites: a handful of blogs, the Soma Fabrications and SOMAfeed websites of course, a dozen or so online retailers and a few forum discussions. And there are tons of pharmaceutical sites, some legit some most likely not, advertising a Soma drug of one kind or another. Of the 43 pages Google produced for my search I found Immaculate Corpse: A Blog About A Bike deep in the pile on page 39. And that link on page 39 lead to the entry about the Silencer SL fork not the Soma Smoothie frame. I'd like for this blog to be easily found by those seeking info on the Soma Smoothie, or Profile Design Silencer SL fork for that matter. So hopefully today's entry will bump the blog far up on the Google search results. Wonder where I turn up on the Yahoo engine...
14 June, 2009 - a follow up to this post: I have since renamed the blog "Brave New Velo" in reference to the great Huxley novel in which a soma drug is dispensed to the population by the government machine in order to keep the people in a euphoric state. I was never satisfied much with the original title of the blog which I had only settled on because "Exquisite Corpse" was already taken. But then this bicycle does not meet the definition of an exquisite corpse anyway being I am the sole creator.